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1:03 p.m. - 2005-10-07
Hi everyone! Thank you for your warm notes and prayers. It means more than I can say (and you all seem to think I'm a pretty good writer!). Yesterday, I had a cat scan and I sat in the waiting room for over an hour waiting for the results. I was praying so hard! I actually felt the presence of Daddy God (Yahweh, Creator of heaven and earth) there with me. I felt that I was falling into His arms like a child jumping off a dresser, trusting His voice to catch her. I have a strong connection to and love for my Jesus, but I haven't previously felt this kind of Father presence in the room. I know that Jesus, after the resurrection, said that He is our Father as well as His Father and that He encouraged us to talk directly to Him, but I guess I haven't been sensing His presence. It felt like complete surrender and admission that all of this was bigger than I could manage or wanted to manage. The tests all came back normal. Thank and praise God! I still don't have answers as to what happened and so I am a little nervous driving. They said it might have been low blood pressure/low heart rate. And (you were right - sunshine220 - I was also dehydrated - see, your mother was right!). Thank you all again so much! We are the sisterhood of the traveling computers and together we rock!

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